Red Bluff, CA 96080

Flip Market Report

Successfully flipping a house depends on a number of different factors including population growth, increasing housing prices and cheap houses for sale. We are analyzing thousands of data points for Red Bluff, CA. If these factors exist, there is a good chance that a successful flip is possible.

By looking at recent sales data in Tehama County, we've been able to rank it against its peer counties within California. To provide an even fuller picture, we also ranked California against all other US states.

Region Rank in # of Flips Rank in Flip Profit
California #2nd in US
#11th in US
Tehama County #41st in CA
#23rd in CA

Number of Flips: We identify house flips as houses that are bought and sold within 12 months excluding forclosures, REOs and multi-parcel sales.

Flip Profit: The profit is the gross margin calculated by subtracting the original purchase price from the new resale price.

96080 Historical Monthly Listing Prices

Latest Median Sale Price

$ 289,000

even YoY Change
Tehama Historical Monthly Home Sales

Latest Monthly Sales Count

List Price /sqft


0.03% from last quarter

Reduced Listings /Month


-0.73% from last quarter

Avg. Days on Market


0.09% from last year

Average Home Sqft


0.02% from last year

Population Rank

In order to successfully flip houses, you need the population of the area to be trending northward, which appears to be the case with Tehama County. This is a good sign that flipping a house here will be successful.

Region Population Change YoY Rank
California 39,557,045 0.4% #1st in US
Tehama County 63,916 0.31% #41st in CA
96080 28,764 #93rd in CA
Home Searches

FlipMarket is the industry standard for providing you the exact data needed to see if flipping a house will be successful. To find properties for sale that may fit your budget and be house flipping candidates, check this list of popular searches.

    [zip_id] => 4973
    [country] => USA
    [zip] => 96080
    [city] => Red Bluff
    [state] => California
    [state_abbr] => CA
    [county] => Tehama
    [dma] => 868
    [latitude] => 40.1523
    [longitude] => -122.416
    [timezone] => -8
    [timezone_dst] => 1
    [dttm] => 
    [postal_code] => 96080
    [zip_name] => red bluff, ca
    [flag] => *
    [median_listing_price] => 349550
    [median_listing_price_mm] => 0.0282
    [median_listing_price_yy] => 0.131
    [active_listing_count] => 153
    [active_listing_count_mm] => -0.0613
    [active_listing_count_yy] => 
    [median_days_on_market] => 83
    [median_days_on_market_mm] => 0.169
    [median_days_on_market_yy] => 0.0921
    [new_listing_count] => 20
    [new_listing_count_mm] => -0.5
    [new_listing_count_yy] => -0.6667
    [price_increased_count] => 0
    [price_increased_count_mm] => 
    [price_increased_count_yy] => 
    [price_reduced_count] => 16
    [price_reduced_count_mm] => -0.7333
    [price_reduced_count_yy] => -0.4286
    [pending_listing_count] => 26
    [pending_listing_count_mm] => -0.4222
    [pending_listing_count_yy] => -0.5357
    [median_listing_price_per_square_feet] => 192
    [median_listing_price_per_square_feet_mm] => 0.0316
    [median_listing_price_per_square_feet_yy] => 0.0866
    [median_square_feet] => 1751
    [median_square_feet_mm] => 0.0358
    [median_square_feet_yy] => 0.0201
    [average_listing_price] => 453786
    [average_listing_price_mm] => 0.0625
    [average_listing_price_yy] => 0.3088
    [total_listing_count] => 179
    [total_listing_count_mm] => -0.1394
    [total_listing_count_yy] => 0.1699
    [pending_ratio_mm] => -0.1061
    [pending_ratio_yy] => -0.1823
    [RegionID] => 
    [RegionName] => 
    [State] => 
    [Metro] => 
    [County] => 
    [City] => 
    [SizeRank] => 
    [Zhvi] => 
    [MoM] => 
    [QoQ] => 
    [YoY] => 
    [5Year] => 
    [10Year] => 
    [PeakMonth] => 
    [PeakQuarter] => 
    [PeakZHVI] => 
    [PctFallFromPeak] => 
    [LastTimeAtCurrZHVI] => 
    [flips] => 22923
    [purchase_price] => 386496
    [resale_price] => 496482
    [gross_margin] => 109987
    [flipcount_rank] => 2
    [flipmargin_rank] => 11
    [counties] => 58
    [zip_population] => 28764
    [zip_rank] => 593
    [state_population] => 39557045
    [state_rank] => 1
    [state_difference] => 0.400250
    [list_prices] => ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,249000,240000,248500,249000,249000,225000,244000,249950,249450,245000,245000,240000,225000,235000,244900,246750,245000,239000,222450,229700,235000,234900,237000,243250,239900,243750,240000,242500,250000,259000,255000,249000,259000,262000,269000,259450,255000,260000,260000,267000,273000,273000,264500,255000,256900,249700,249000,239900,240000,255000,270000,289000,295000,289000,294499.5,279450,289000,289900,289000"
    [list_prices_exploded] => Array
            [0] => 
            [1] => 
            [2] => 
            [3] => 
            [4] => 
            [5] => 
            [6] => 
            [7] => 
            [8] => 
            [9] => 
            [10] => 
            [11] => 
            [12] => 
            [13] => 
            [14] => 
            [15] => 
            [16] => 
            [17] => 
            [18] => 
            [19] => 
            [20] => 
            [21] => 
            [22] => 
            [23] => 
            [24] => 
            [25] => 
            [26] => 
            [27] => 
            [28] => 
            [29] => 
            [30] => 
            [31] => 
            [32] => 
            [33] => 
            [34] => 
            [35] => 
            [36] => 
            [37] => 
            [38] => 
            [39] => 
            [40] => 
            [41] => 
            [42] => 
            [43] => 
            [44] => 
            [45] => 
            [46] => 
            [47] => 
            [48] => 
            [49] => 
            [50] => 
            [51] => 
            [52] => 
            [53] => 
            [54] => 
            [55] => 
            [56] => 
            [57] => 
            [58] => 
            [59] => 
            [60] => 
            [61] => 249000
            [62] => 240000
            [63] => 248500
            [64] => 249000
            [65] => 249000
            [66] => 225000
            [67] => 244000
            [68] => 249950
            [69] => 249450
            [70] => 245000
            [71] => 245000
            [72] => 240000
            [73] => 225000
            [74] => 235000
            [75] => 244900
            [76] => 246750
            [77] => 245000
            [78] => 239000
            [79] => 222450
            [80] => 229700
            [81] => 235000
            [82] => 234900
            [83] => 237000
            [84] => 243250
            [85] => 239900
            [86] => 243750
            [87] => 240000
            [88] => 242500
            [89] => 250000
            [90] => 259000
            [91] => 255000
            [92] => 249000
            [93] => 259000
            [94] => 262000
            [95] => 269000
            [96] => 259450
            [97] => 255000
            [98] => 260000
            [99] => 260000
            [100] => 267000
            [101] => 273000
            [102] => 273000
            [103] => 264500
            [104] => 255000
            [105] => 256900
            [106] => 249700
            [107] => 249000
            [108] => 239900
            [109] => 240000
            [110] => 255000
            [111] => 270000
            [112] => 289000
            [113] => 295000
            [114] => 289000
            [115] => 294499.5
            [116] => 279450
            [117] => 289000
            [118] => 289900
            [119] => 289000

    [county_name] => Tehama
    [state] => California
    [state_fips] => 6
    [county_fips] => 6103
    [dma] => 868
    [metro_name] => Red Bluff, CA
    [cbsa_name] => Red Bluff, CA
    [county_region_id_zillow] => 1426
    [metro_region_id_zillow] => 395016
    [fips] => 6103
    [cbsa_code] => 39780
    [population_prior] => 63718
    [population] => 63916
    [rank] => 41
    [difference] => 0.310744217
    [region_id] => 1426
    [sale_counts] => "56,52,52,49,51,51,64,66,77,72,72,72,73,71,58,56,56,55,57,62,70,69,63,67,67,70,61,59,57,54,54,57,70,70,74,74,75,79,72,80,77,83,84,77,77,73,76,80,84,88,83,77,74,77,79,80,80,85,90,98,100,103,105,107,103,88,88,78,80,68,77,77,80,77,80,78,83,77,82,80,83,85,87,92,92,88,86,85,87,88,90,87,85,90,90,94,92,94,90,91,88,95,93,95,95,94,98,92,96,92,94,91,89,91,89,93,95,92,94,88,89,91,90,90,88,90,86,85,84,98,132,151,150,117,98,88,93,97,108,110,116,"
    [county] => Tehama
    [flips] => 39
    [purchase_price] => 128756
    [resale_price] => 222538
    [gross_margin] => 93782
    [flipcount_rank] => 41
    [flipmargin_rank] => 23
    [sale_counts_exploded] => Array
            [0] => 56
            [1] => 52
            [2] => 52
            [3] => 49
            [4] => 51
            [5] => 51
            [6] => 64
            [7] => 66
            [8] => 77
            [9] => 72
            [10] => 72
            [11] => 72
            [12] => 73
            [13] => 71
            [14] => 58
            [15] => 56
            [16] => 56
            [17] => 55
            [18] => 57
            [19] => 62
            [20] => 70
            [21] => 69
            [22] => 63
            [23] => 67
            [24] => 67
            [25] => 70
            [26] => 61
            [27] => 59
            [28] => 57
            [29] => 54
            [30] => 54
            [31] => 57
            [32] => 70
            [33] => 70
            [34] => 74
            [35] => 74
            [36] => 75
            [37] => 79
            [38] => 72
            [39] => 80
            [40] => 77
            [41] => 83
            [42] => 84
            [43] => 77
            [44] => 77
            [45] => 73
            [46] => 76
            [47] => 80
            [48] => 84
            [49] => 88
            [50] => 83
            [51] => 77
            [52] => 74
            [53] => 77
            [54] => 79
            [55] => 80
            [56] => 80
            [57] => 85
            [58] => 90
            [59] => 98
            [60] => 100
            [61] => 103
            [62] => 105
            [63] => 107
            [64] => 103
            [65] => 88
            [66] => 88
            [67] => 78
            [68] => 80
            [69] => 68
            [70] => 77
            [71] => 77
            [72] => 80
            [73] => 77
            [74] => 80
            [75] => 78
            [76] => 83
            [77] => 77
            [78] => 82
            [79] => 80
            [80] => 83
            [81] => 85
            [82] => 87
            [83] => 92
            [84] => 92
            [85] => 88
            [86] => 86
            [87] => 85
            [88] => 87
            [89] => 88
            [90] => 90
            [91] => 87
            [92] => 85
            [93] => 90
            [94] => 90
            [95] => 94
            [96] => 92
            [97] => 94
            [98] => 90
            [99] => 91
            [100] => 88
            [101] => 95
            [102] => 93
            [103] => 95
            [104] => 95
            [105] => 94
            [106] => 98
            [107] => 92
            [108] => 96
            [109] => 92
            [110] => 94
            [111] => 91
            [112] => 89
            [113] => 91
            [114] => 89
            [115] => 93
            [116] => 95
            [117] => 92
            [118] => 94
            [119] => 88
            [120] => 89
            [121] => 91
            [122] => 90
            [123] => 90
            [124] => 88
            [125] => 90
            [126] => 86
            [127] => 85
            [128] => 84
            [129] => 98
            [130] => 132
            [131] => 151
            [132] => 150
            [133] => 117
            [134] => 98
            [135] => 88
            [136] => 93
            [137] => 97
            [138] => 108
            [139] => 110
            [140] => 116
            [141] => 


Flip Market uses data engineering + AI to help businesses and individuals successfully flip homes.

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